Ao no Exorcist – 22



So Ao no Exorcist decides to replay the Crusades, thinking it would acapture the effect. All I got was Yukio’s character being destroyed, exorcists destroying the ecosystem, and annoyance that they’re fucking making this at this series goes along. Oh yeah, Yukio almost killed Blackie.


Oh well I’ll forget all about that so I can appreciate this episode. It did deliver some kind of plot that pleased me. Wait- I still can’t get over the exorcist destroying the ecosystem. Poor pig, being shot by Yukio oh-so many times.


Gahhh whatever I’ll take everything by face value. It’s the least I can do since this series has been generous to me for like 16 episodes. Just make the ending awesome, or at least for it to make a bit of sense.


Comparing this to how the original FMA ended it, my god Ao no Exorcist disappears. Oh well, its not like Ao no Exorcist had depth, even more so pretended it did. Until this episode.



Rating:♥♥ (Maybe if you deliver a Jesus ending, I might smile on how things are going.)



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